Wednesday, September 25, 2013

What about the common man

Its been so long since I have updated my blog.I only blog only when something moves me.As I am done with my engineering I'm staying at home making myself busy engrossing in some works.On the other side my state Andhra Pradesh is in a complex state which made me to write this blog.
       Until last year the capital of Andhra Pradesh Hyderabad suffered with the effect of Telangana movement.Almost the quarter part of the year was filled with strikes and agitations.Universities and schools hardly ran.I felt that I'm blessed for not studying in Andhra.Now its time that rest of telangana ie; now being called "Seema Andhra" is facing this situation where people are fighting for "SAMIKYANDHRA"(United Andhra) movement.The situation is more worse than what hyderabad had faced.Except for hospitals,emergency services and petrol bunks no other services are working.This is a movement which rose voluntarily from people after governments desperate failure of ruling where as the Telangana movement was mostly a political one.But one thing everyone is forgetting is all these movements are effecting common mans life.Many people depend on banks for their financial needs which has become a huge problem now.Business people are the most likely ones to face huge losses due to bandhs.Their monthly incomes levels reduced drastically.The grocery stores..where people can hardly find anything to buy due to bandh.No transportation of vegetables is taking place.Even if they bring into the market they cannot store such huge amounts for days resulting in spoilage of food.What about the life of a person who can run his family only if he earns that day?What about the students education?No bus transportation.Power shortage due to power production workers strike.
     All these agitations done by people for the people are effecting people.It should not hit the common mans stomach.The movement should run in such a way that it should hit the politicians stomach after all they are the the one who brought this situation to us by selling the state into someones hands....

Monday, June 10, 2013


I still remember the first day in Amet standing alone without knowing anyone.Like wise i remember the last day, but with many friends and their memories for the rest of my life.
   Its the last day in college.Everyones eyes filled with tears.The teasing of friends,shouting of professors,same tasteless college food,the bed bugs finally has come to an end.Among them there are many things that i hate.Though i hate them,i still love them..dont know what kind of feeling is this!Imagining my future without them makes me feel that my future is incomplete.All i need to realise that is a phase-the H@PPY D@YS in my life came to an end and another phase is gonna start.

miss u guys..

Friday, April 19, 2013


We have many reminiscences  in our life.But only some make us to laugh or cry when we remember.One among them is eating  unripe mangoes with my friends.Every summer we collect mangoes from gardens.None of the gardens from where we pick mangoes belong to us.When someone comes to catch us we run and escape.Then we sit in our favourite godown which is our adda.We chat,play and discuss about our adventurous juvenile theft.We take out the mangoes and consider as some precious treasures.Finally we slice them up and apply some salt and chilli powder and eat with all watery mouth.I may forgot the taste of the mangoes but not the taste of friendship.

Friday, April 12, 2013


    INDIA..we call it Bharat,India,Hindustan.None of these names came just because India was following Hinduism.Bharat came from the former king who ruled our country and the other two names were formed from the river Sindhu. Also the word Hinduism means "set of principles or way of life followed by Hindus{people living near Sindhu river).So i never considered hinduism as a religion.Its just the way of life that is followed by Indians.Then came the gods siva and vishnu.Battles occured between the followers of siva and vishnu.Then might have come the idea of writing puranas that siva and vishnu belong to the same family(hinduism).
   Ours is a civilization that gave importance to "knowledge" which made India to be a glorious nation.Many foreigners bowed to to India for its knowledge and treasures.They borrowed science,medicine,religion and language.All these glorious treasures were hidden in VEDAS.VEDAM means knowledge.Ours is a vedantic civilization.The reason for present days misery is neglecting that vedantic civilization of ours and following the westeners.
   All the vedas might teach about the praising of god,hymns..etc;but there other things vedas gave importance to.They are YAGNAS.Yagnas are not just rituals to satisfy gods.(Ex:yagnas performed to satisfy Lord Varuna-the god of rain).Scientific explanation says that the products that were burnt in yagna react chemically and results in the occurance of rain.There are also sub divisions..known as the vedangas
They are
  • kalpa(ritual detail)
  • siksha(pronunciation)
  • vyakarana(grammar)
  • nirukti(etymology)
  • chandas(metres)
  • jyotishya(astrology and astronomy)
   The four upavedas explains arts and sciences
  • Ayurveda(medicine)
  • Dhanurveda(warfare)
  • Gandharvaveda(music and dance)
  • Shilpaveda(architechture)
   All this knowledge that was hidden in India was forbidden by us.The main reason for our negligence is westernization.They influenced so much that our quality of renunciation has been rejected by us.The world has reached a position where science is ruling it.In this era of science our informal way of following science that is in the form of rituals and traditions will not be accepted by the world.So first we should realize the scientific reason behind each ritual that we follow and then teach others.
   Also the mistake that our ancestors has done is restricting knowledge to only certain sects of Indians.According to me every Indian has the right to learns Vedas.Also few brahmins who are learning vedas knew their meaning.The rest are just enchanting the vedas and they remaining as mantras.Not just the vedas,we Indians neglected many of our great works.Some among them are..
  • many of us dont know that there are rocket launchers during Tippu sultans period.This was realised the westeners.They adapted the technology of rocket launchers to make rockets.There was a statue of Tippu sultan in NASA where most of us doesnt know.
  • The guru for Marshal arts Bodhi Dharman was not known two Indians where the Chinese knew him.Not only just for the guru  but also we for got that those marshal arts birth place was India.
  • Mahabharata is introduced as a subject for MBA students in Germany.(because each character in Mahabharata depicts the way a person should behave and talk, that is management skills.We Indians read Mahabharata as a holy book but never try to understand its depth.
There are many such things we Indians neglect about our culture of knowledge in the name of religion.All we need is to revive of vedantic civilization in a scientific manner and hoist the flag of glory.
Note:Some of the content in this blog has been extracted from internet.


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

little drops..with tears of joy

         Donating old uniforms to the poor had been a permanent project for our LEO CLUB OF AMET.We always use to collect the old uniforms from my college and donate it some orphanage.But i never personally went to any orphanage to donate.For the first time I had visited an orphanage named "LITTLE DROPS".
        Me and my junior Aditya started  from our college in our van early morning at 7:30A.M.We started from one end of the city to reach the other end ie;porur where LITTLE DROPS was located.The driver  was a new guy and it long time for us to find the address.
         We followed the address which i got it from the internet.After reaching there we found a small school named LITTLE ANGELS.
          For  a while i thought "omg did i get the wrong address from the internet?We travelled for two hours and finally got into a wrong place?"
          Then i saw an old man walking towards us.Then he asked me "son,what ru looking for"?I said "LITTLE DROPS".Then the old man said "go ahead a few blocks and turn  left".Finally i saw what i needed to see." LITTLE DROPS."
        We were supposed to meet Paul sir,the owner of LITTLE DROPS foundation.But we heard that he had gone to do prayer as it  was sunday.Still we had decided to donate the clothes.There was a lady named Mary who took care of the clothes which we donated.Then came and old man named Max whom he was talking to me all the time while i was counting the clothes.I asked him for an apology and told him that i would talk to him once i finished counting.Later they asked for a visit to all the wards.We visited a ward where old people were lying on their beds.They were in a situation that they can hardly move from their beds.Also they had to do all their toiletry works on their bed.It was really hard for me to watch them in that situation.
            I started listening to the prayers in the speakers that were set in the ward.They had a prayer hall where the prayers would be audible to everyone in the orphanage.For the first time as a hindu i felt that "what is happening to the money that we are putting in temples?I can hardly hear the money being used for the poor".Also had you even seen a brahmin priest touching the poor,diseased or road side beggar's and serving them? cant.Because still untouchability is still in their minds where it is stopping their kind heart to help the needy.
         Then we walked in to a ward where there were women who had been abandoned by their families.They were all in a miserable condition.All i could do was joining my hands and bowing for them.I couldn't even take their photographs because they wore clothes that were all torn and improper.
              The man who was heading us to the other ward showed us a photo of LITTLE DROPS opening ceremony where it has MOTHER TERESSA in it with Paul sir.It was MOTHER TERESSA who opened the home and named it little drops.She named it liitle drops because the foundation might be a little drop in this world of ocean.But the ocean couldn't be complete with that drop missing.
            When we came out of the ward a local police woman bought an old lady.The police woman told us that she found her roaming on the streets.The old woman's eyes were flooding with tears.May be she might be crying for her children abandoning her... or may be they might be the tears of joy to know that there was someone to look after.
         Later we were taken to a ward where mentally challenged women were there.They all were in joy by watching me.They pleaded me to visit them when ever possible.One woman gave me her hand.I held it and said that i would visit again.I wondered how the staff were able to maintain all the toilets,taking care of their bath and food.Its really difficult to take care of them.All you can do is love them.They had the hearts of children.The more you love them the more they love you and listen to you.
Then we moved to a ward where old women were there.Most of them were diseased and could hardly move.There was one women who sat at the entrance of the ward in a wheel chair.She was the only who could talk there among the women.She shared her story and asked about us.She told us that she was unable to bear the pain caused by her disease.She asked us to serve to the needy and  thanked for visiting them.We left her taking blessings from her.
All i felt was "Money cant bring everything.Even if we had enough amount of money it takes a very kind and serving heart to treat these people."
Ganesh who was the temporary head thanked us for donating clothes.He asked us to spread the word of the service they were doing and to tell our friends to visit them whenever possible.
 We got back into the van after saying good bye to our friends with "joy of tears" hoping that we did something useful in our life.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

an evening at the broken bridge

It was really a hectic day.Even after being tired walking the whole day and sweating under the scorching sun,i decided  to go for a walk with cbcians.
    I was the first one to come.Waited for nearly 20 minutes.I felt like i was the only one who is going to walk alone.Then came our guys jothi vel,sahaaya joseph,vinoth and harish.Then jothivel started calling for a guy who said that he was waiting already for us.It was none other than sundar rajan.Finally bhavia came and then hariharan and rathi joined us.
We started walking towards the slums where i found  people staring at us in strange manner or may be it was     me staring pitifully towards them.
As we walked away from the slums we found ourselves passing through a way which was completely filled with lovers and boozers.I felt that, may be this place could give the lovers privacy, but it couldnt give them safety with the boozers around them.For a while i felt whether it would be safe for us to come here with bhavia and rathi.Finally we reached the bridge and started taking photographs.
I observed that everyone was conversing with eachother but were having an eye on the photographers in order to make sure that they look good in the pics.At the end of the bridge we found two rocks to jump to the ground which our guys refused to do so.
      We started walking back and then found a way to climb down the bridge.It was a steep.Mahesh and jothivel were thinking whether to walk down the steep.I came there and climbed down easily.Then jothivel tried to climb down.All of a sudden he couldnt balance himself  and fell down.He didnt get up for a while with an expression"i think i hurt my ass badly".Everyone started laughing at him.To jothivels luck no one has clicked a pic then.But that was the highlight of the day.Then we found a pratibha cauvery life boat there, where hari and me tried to pose like as if we owned the boat.
     We started walking along the beach where we discussed about lot of things.We discussed about how worst our beaches in India are,we discussed about russel peters,about sidin vadikut,about Indian history

.Then we saw some people trying to make the small young turtles to walk into the sea by showing a light towards them.
    Later we discussed about bhavias salsa dance class where when we asked for her dance partner, her answer was ridiculous.Then later bhavia and i discussed about the similarities which i felt between the malayalees and bengalies.
  After a long talk and a pleasant evening with the cbcians i reached my college.
     "Just for jothivel i actually dont know any of the members.They are new for me and Im new for them.But the way we talked to each other felt like as if we guys had known each other from long back.May be the reason for this is  "We are bloggers and people who are expressive. Also we dont have the shy feeling to talk to others or share out our views towards anything"
                                                     This is my team
ps:thanks for vinodh and sahaaya for wonderful clicks and sorry for using your pics for my blog without your permission

Friday, April 5, 2013

?who cares for us?-the genocide

     Until yesterday i didn't care much about the genocide of tamilian's happening in srilanka.All these days i was a person who just opposed genocide like everyone.For the first time i felt devastated after watching a documentary on srilakan tamils genocide by the srilankan governement.The documentary was made based on the true videos caught during genocide.The srilankan government has asked the UN officials to leave srilanka stating them they could no longer assure safety beacuse of the war between LTTE and srilankan army.The srilankan governement wanted no information to be disclosed about the massacre to the world that they were going to do.This is the main reason for asking the UN officials to leave the country.
       The documentary depicts that the srilankan government follow no ethics.They declared a war on the LTTE army which is purely agreeable.They have all the rights to kill the LTTE soldiers.Inspite of that they killed more than 40,000 people which was fully intentional.What mistake has the civilians done?The government had declared "no fire" zone many times and when ever people moved to those zones they attacked on those areas which was brutal.They attacked on hospitals and schools which was prohibited on any means.People who were got caught by the army were made naked any brutally shot.No amount of mercy was shown on kids and women. Women were molested.Is this the way a soldier is meant be? The srilankan government had a committed a war crime which the world should not bear it  how much ever it might be a matter of internal affair.
    The LTTE which was said to be fighting for srilankan tamils killed many tamilians who ever tried to escape from the country.Whom can they trust if the one who is supposed to save them is killling them? They also killed many tamilians and used them as suicide killers to win against the government.Now  can we think they are fighting for the people?Many attempts were made for peace treaties by srilankan government and even indian government.Many groups who supported for srilankan tamils agreed for peace treaties.But it was only LTTE who opposed for peace.Also they killed srilankan president Premadesa who called for a peace with LTTE.They killed many innocents.Also during peace time they made an attack and killed 600 police men.Now after all this I dont think that srilankan government should show some ethics towards LTTE.But what have the innocent people done??
  This has remained as a meaningless rival between two groups where innocent people were killed violently  rather than a war of justice.

Friday, March 29, 2013 first sail

It was 10a.m then.Very few guys remained in hostel because as it was a 3 days holiday everyone went home.Thilak walked into my room
THILAK: Dude ru free for this afternoon?
ME: Dude im free for the whole day,anyways when  did we hav work to be busy??!!
THILAK: kk..jagan needs 10 guys for the evening.
ME: we got some work to do?
THILAK:Noo..jagan knows someone who might take us for a boat ride.Also we are going to swim in the sea.
ME:Damn i dont want to die so soon..i havnt done anything still vi...
THILAK:Cool dude..even i dont know how to swim.We are getting into the sea only with life jackets.
ME:So do we hav ten guys?
THILAK:Yup..pack up ur gear.All set for an adventure.

      It was ten of us.We started from college to the beach.Its 2:30 afternoon.We got a call from the fisherman that he will be leaving soon.So we grabbed our feet in order to reach the beach as soon as possible.The suns heat is dehydrating us.Finally after a long walk we reached the boat.We pushed the boat from the shore into the sea,fixed the propeller and everyone got into it.The fisherman asked us to keep all our valuables and phones in a case that was there in the boat.The boats speed raised.I have been in launch boat many times.But only on a river not in a sea.The waves are ferociously trying to make their way towards the shore where we are going against them.The rolling and pitching of the boat made our sail more adventurous. The boat literally flies to a certain height and falls down.Water splashed into the boat.The water was so salty that you can hardly bear it.For a while i was unable to open my eyes as the water was constantly splashing into my eyes.After sailing to a distance little far from the shore the waves  calmed down.We decided to jump from the boat for a swim.
        As everyone stood at a time to jump the boat lost its stability and it rolled to one side.Suddenly some of us moved to the other side and the boat gained back its stability.The fisherman asked us to jump only with a rope tide to his body and the boat.However good swimmer he is one should carry safety because it is sea and no one knows how its gonna be.Initially two of our guys jumped. Inspite of being good swimmers they were unable to tackle the wave energy.After a while they got into the boat.Again getting into the boat is one herculian task for new fellows.Either you should have enormous strength to pull yourself up into the boat or you should know how to use the buoyancy to get inside.
         Siva jumped into the water with a life jacket. Inspite of it he was tied with a rope so that any wave shouldnt pull him away from us.After Siva it was my turn to jump.I jumped into the sea with life jacket and rope tied to the boat.I felt the saltiness of the sea.How many times i spat i was unable to clear my tongue from that saltiness.After a while I got into the boat with all my strength.I didnt realise that I was bleeding until someone noticed it.But it was not a big one.Siva asked me to take some pics in phone.But neither of us were in a mood to grab some pics nor anyone ready for a pose so that we can upload in fb. Some of us felt dizzy and had vomiting sensation.Even i had vomiting sensation.But i calmed myself and after a while i was ok. We started sailing back and reached shore.Then we got down and pushed the boat into the shore.We made it safe to the shore.
         Everyone fell on the beach and relaxed ourselves.Then again after gaining some strength we bathed and played.That was one hell of a good evening.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Very few have guts to do experiments in "INDIAN FILM INDUSTRY".But there is a man who is born to do experiments..yaar endru terigiradhaa...yes hez kamal haasan. VISWAROOPAM is one of his stupendous attempts in his career.The movie is based on terrorism...First fight which reveals kamals roopam steals the show...the scenes shot in afghanistan were superb..but still the graphics for choppers could have been better.second half of the movie is of slow pace..which makes you little boring.but overall it is a movie that should be watched in theatre for its sound effects and  high standards(felt like a hollywood flick).after watching this movie it made me to feel "Is there a life in afghanistan..?do u call it life..therez no freedom...therez only "freedamn" bullets..its better to be an aethist than to believe in some god and fight for him.when people forget the essence of religion and behave like demons..therez no meaning in follow it..all we need is peace.."strive for it...strive towards a better world.

friends for ever..."HOPE" so

......Till then I never knew how a town would be...I was seven then.Its a new place...I need to get new friends.Eventually my dad searched a house that would be suitable for me and my bro to go to school easily.He made it so easy such that one jump from a wall will make us to enter the school.Well we never did that...:-P.Few days after my joining in school my brother was doing situation was horrible.Its time for first unit test..I hardly new any alphabets..cmon its not English..its Telugu.I took a bit to the exam which was written by my dad.Very glad to have such such a friendly and helping dad.But as it was my first time,I got caught.Well I dont remember any severe actions were taken on me.
  Days were passing..I didnt make any new friends till then.How ever bad im  I studies, I always use to sit in first two rows.That day mam started shouting at two guys sitting in the last row who were disturbing the class.She asked them to come front and made them to sit next to me.They were Jaideep and Ajay.They were the only friends I made.Adding to that their houses were also too near by, where I could reach them with in minutes.When ever I go to Jaideep's house..I can see his mom chasing him to rip him off for his mischieves.But he never cared or rather scared for the beatings.On the other way Ajay's mom never use to beat him.He was the most pampered kid in his family.Calenders iz well..but then my parents decided to shift to a new house.It was too far from my old house so that I can hardly visit my amigos and play with them.But still we were in the same school.Anyways playing at home is different from playing in school...well we even dont have a special period for games in school.Also discussions were going on in my home to change me and my bro into another school.My hopes on my friendship were slowly vanishing..where then Jaideep said that they had shifted into a new house.When I asked the address,I came to know that they shifted to a lane just back to my house.Then a "hope" raised in my heart that god still wanted my friendship to be continued.Jaideep and I became very best  friends..where Ajay was just a good friend.Later Ajay's dad got transfered  to Hyderabad.So he had to leave us.After one year..even my dad got transferred to a village..and at the same time Jaideep's dad even got tranferred at the same time..with just a few weeks delay.The sarcasm is everyone's dad is a bank employee and transfers happen all the time for them.
 I  always "hoped" for a miracle to happen so that Jaideep and I could become friends again.
After 6 years....
On a fine day I joined Sri Chaitanya junior college in Vijayawada.Its the second day of the college,im having my dinner.Few guys were sitting infront of me and having their meal.I saw a guy whom I felt very familiar.I Asked him.."ru jaideep"?and he said "yes"...the rest...our friendship is bakk...

caste blast

 India had undergone many reforms socially during the past few decades.But there is one thing that we couldnt eradicate.Its the caste system.Its not astonishing to hear that even today untouchability  is followed in some parts of our country.This casteism had been rooted deep down into Indian minds especially in villages. I have been watching this casteism since my childhood.People elect their leaders on caste basis.People live together in communities on caste basis.The worst thing is they even select their favourite hero on caste basis.(no wonder it happens in Andhra)
   The casteist's behaviour of people made me vexed upon caste system.I get irritated when someone says that he belongs to higher caste and he is higher than the others.I feel like asking him "dont giv me bullshit,wat the f hav u achieved in ur life to say that ur higher than anyone?"
Also if someone says that he is lower than the others because he belongs to lower caste..i feel like saying"dude if u degrade urself comparing with someone,then that someone might degrade you more than you degrade yourself".This is actually the truth.Many people who belong to lower castes degrade themselves.They fear to socialise with the higher caste people.This is still happening in villages.
    People should realise that we shouldnot respect a person by his caste.We should respect him by his qualities.In cities the scenario is varying.For a couple to marry if any of the couple side is rich and holds good status,there is no place for caste.But this is not the case in villages,they still dwell upon the caste.
     According to me none of us or(90% of us donot have the right to say that we belong to a particular caste).If we stick to the basics caste system formed based on the occupation we do.Many of us dont continue our occupations.ex: i can say im a kshatriya only if im a warrior or soldier.If i work for law firm then how can i say im a warrior?So to be frank we killed the caste system actually.But we are growing it in our minds.Wake up my dear Indians  "We no longer belong to any caste".