Tuesday, March 19, 2013

friends for ever..."HOPE" so

......Till then I never knew how a town would be...I was seven then.Its a new place...I need to get new friends.Eventually my dad searched a house that would be suitable for me and my bro to go to school easily.He made it so easy such that one jump from a wall will make us to enter the school.Well we never did that...:-P.Few days after my joining in school my brother was doing good..my situation was horrible.Its time for first unit test..I hardly new any alphabets..cmon its not English..its Telugu.I took a bit to the exam which was written by my dad.Very glad to have such such a friendly and helping dad.But as it was my first time,I got caught.Well I dont remember any severe actions were taken on me.
  Days were passing..I didnt make any new friends till then.How ever bad im  I studies, I always use to sit in first two rows.That day mam started shouting at two guys sitting in the last row who were disturbing the class.She asked them to come front and made them to sit next to me.They were Jaideep and Ajay.They were the only friends I made.Adding to that their houses were also too near by, where I could reach them with in minutes.When ever I go to Jaideep's house..I can see his mom chasing him to rip him off for his mischieves.But he never cared or rather scared for the beatings.On the other way Ajay's mom never use to beat him.He was the most pampered kid in his family.Calenders changing..al iz well..but then my parents decided to shift to a new house.It was too far from my old house so that I can hardly visit my amigos and play with them.But still we were in the same school.Anyways playing at home is different from playing in school...well we even dont have a special period for games in school.Also discussions were going on in my home to change me and my bro into another school.My hopes on my friendship were slowly vanishing..where then Jaideep said that they had shifted into a new house.When I asked the address,I came to know that they shifted to a lane just back to my house.Then a "hope" raised in my heart that god still wanted my friendship to be continued.Jaideep and I became very best  friends..where Ajay was just a good friend.Later Ajay's dad got transfered  to Hyderabad.So he had to leave us.After one year..even my dad got transferred to a village..and at the same time Jaideep's dad even got tranferred at the same time..with just a few weeks delay.The sarcasm is everyone's dad is a bank employee and transfers happen all the time for them.
 I  always "hoped" for a miracle to happen so that Jaideep and I could become friends again.
After 6 years....
On a fine day I joined Sri Chaitanya junior college in Vijayawada.Its the second day of the college,im having my dinner.Few guys were sitting infront of me and having their meal.I saw a guy whom I felt very familiar.I Asked him.."ru jaideep"?and he said "yes"...the rest...our friendship is bakk...


  1. Impressive tale! I had developed good friendships over the years, and most of them stayed nearby. The only issue I face now is, people change with age. They become very different from what they were. Good to read this article, BTW.

    Destination Infinity
