Tuesday, March 19, 2013

caste blast

 India had undergone many reforms socially during the past few decades.But there is one thing that we couldnt eradicate.Its the caste system.Its not astonishing to hear that even today untouchability  is followed in some parts of our country.This casteism had been rooted deep down into Indian minds especially in villages. I have been watching this casteism since my childhood.People elect their leaders on caste basis.People live together in communities on caste basis.The worst thing is they even select their favourite hero on caste basis.(no wonder it happens in Andhra)
   The casteist's behaviour of people made me vexed upon caste system.I get irritated when someone says that he belongs to higher caste and he is higher than the others.I feel like asking him "dont giv me bullshit,wat the f hav u achieved in ur life to say that ur higher than anyone?"
Also if someone says that he is lower than the others because he belongs to lower caste..i feel like saying"dude if u degrade urself comparing with someone,then that someone might degrade you more than you degrade yourself".This is actually the truth.Many people who belong to lower castes degrade themselves.They fear to socialise with the higher caste people.This is still happening in villages.
    People should realise that we shouldnot respect a person by his caste.We should respect him by his qualities.In cities the scenario is varying.For a couple to marry if any of the couple side is rich and holds good status,there is no place for caste.But this is not the case in villages,they still dwell upon the caste.
     According to me none of us or(90% of us donot have the right to say that we belong to a particular caste).If we stick to the basics caste system formed based on the occupation we do.Many of us dont continue our occupations.ex: i can say im a kshatriya only if im a warrior or soldier.If i work for law firm then how can i say im a warrior?So to be frank we killed the caste system actually.But we are growing it in our minds.Wake up my dear Indians  "We no longer belong to any caste".

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