Friday, April 12, 2013


    INDIA..we call it Bharat,India,Hindustan.None of these names came just because India was following Hinduism.Bharat came from the former king who ruled our country and the other two names were formed from the river Sindhu. Also the word Hinduism means "set of principles or way of life followed by Hindus{people living near Sindhu river).So i never considered hinduism as a religion.Its just the way of life that is followed by Indians.Then came the gods siva and vishnu.Battles occured between the followers of siva and vishnu.Then might have come the idea of writing puranas that siva and vishnu belong to the same family(hinduism).
   Ours is a civilization that gave importance to "knowledge" which made India to be a glorious nation.Many foreigners bowed to to India for its knowledge and treasures.They borrowed science,medicine,religion and language.All these glorious treasures were hidden in VEDAS.VEDAM means knowledge.Ours is a vedantic civilization.The reason for present days misery is neglecting that vedantic civilization of ours and following the westeners.
   All the vedas might teach about the praising of god,hymns..etc;but there other things vedas gave importance to.They are YAGNAS.Yagnas are not just rituals to satisfy gods.(Ex:yagnas performed to satisfy Lord Varuna-the god of rain).Scientific explanation says that the products that were burnt in yagna react chemically and results in the occurance of rain.There are also sub divisions..known as the vedangas
They are
  • kalpa(ritual detail)
  • siksha(pronunciation)
  • vyakarana(grammar)
  • nirukti(etymology)
  • chandas(metres)
  • jyotishya(astrology and astronomy)
   The four upavedas explains arts and sciences
  • Ayurveda(medicine)
  • Dhanurveda(warfare)
  • Gandharvaveda(music and dance)
  • Shilpaveda(architechture)
   All this knowledge that was hidden in India was forbidden by us.The main reason for our negligence is westernization.They influenced so much that our quality of renunciation has been rejected by us.The world has reached a position where science is ruling it.In this era of science our informal way of following science that is in the form of rituals and traditions will not be accepted by the world.So first we should realize the scientific reason behind each ritual that we follow and then teach others.
   Also the mistake that our ancestors has done is restricting knowledge to only certain sects of Indians.According to me every Indian has the right to learns Vedas.Also few brahmins who are learning vedas knew their meaning.The rest are just enchanting the vedas and they remaining as mantras.Not just the vedas,we Indians neglected many of our great works.Some among them are..
  • many of us dont know that there are rocket launchers during Tippu sultans period.This was realised the westeners.They adapted the technology of rocket launchers to make rockets.There was a statue of Tippu sultan in NASA where most of us doesnt know.
  • The guru for Marshal arts Bodhi Dharman was not known two Indians where the Chinese knew him.Not only just for the guru  but also we for got that those marshal arts birth place was India.
  • Mahabharata is introduced as a subject for MBA students in Germany.(because each character in Mahabharata depicts the way a person should behave and talk, that is management skills.We Indians read Mahabharata as a holy book but never try to understand its depth.
There are many such things we Indians neglect about our culture of knowledge in the name of religion.All we need is to revive of vedantic civilization in a scientific manner and hoist the flag of glory.
Note:Some of the content in this blog has been extracted from internet.



  1. Rivers ultimately reach sea. They are ordained like that. Like wise all religions must strive to reach god. Nice read.
