Friday, April 5, 2013

?who cares for us?-the genocide

     Until yesterday i didn't care much about the genocide of tamilian's happening in srilanka.All these days i was a person who just opposed genocide like everyone.For the first time i felt devastated after watching a documentary on srilakan tamils genocide by the srilankan governement.The documentary was made based on the true videos caught during genocide.The srilankan government has asked the UN officials to leave srilanka stating them they could no longer assure safety beacuse of the war between LTTE and srilankan army.The srilankan governement wanted no information to be disclosed about the massacre to the world that they were going to do.This is the main reason for asking the UN officials to leave the country.
       The documentary depicts that the srilankan government follow no ethics.They declared a war on the LTTE army which is purely agreeable.They have all the rights to kill the LTTE soldiers.Inspite of that they killed more than 40,000 people which was fully intentional.What mistake has the civilians done?The government had declared "no fire" zone many times and when ever people moved to those zones they attacked on those areas which was brutal.They attacked on hospitals and schools which was prohibited on any means.People who were got caught by the army were made naked any brutally shot.No amount of mercy was shown on kids and women. Women were molested.Is this the way a soldier is meant be? The srilankan government had a committed a war crime which the world should not bear it  how much ever it might be a matter of internal affair.
    The LTTE which was said to be fighting for srilankan tamils killed many tamilians who ever tried to escape from the country.Whom can they trust if the one who is supposed to save them is killling them? They also killed many tamilians and used them as suicide killers to win against the government.Now  can we think they are fighting for the people?Many attempts were made for peace treaties by srilankan government and even indian government.Many groups who supported for srilankan tamils agreed for peace treaties.But it was only LTTE who opposed for peace.Also they killed srilankan president Premadesa who called for a peace with LTTE.They killed many innocents.Also during peace time they made an attack and killed 600 police men.Now after all this I dont think that srilankan government should show some ethics towards LTTE.But what have the innocent people done??
  This has remained as a meaningless rival between two groups where innocent people were killed violently  rather than a war of justice.

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