Wednesday, April 10, 2013

little drops..with tears of joy

         Donating old uniforms to the poor had been a permanent project for our LEO CLUB OF AMET.We always use to collect the old uniforms from my college and donate it some orphanage.But i never personally went to any orphanage to donate.For the first time I had visited an orphanage named "LITTLE DROPS".
        Me and my junior Aditya started  from our college in our van early morning at 7:30A.M.We started from one end of the city to reach the other end ie;porur where LITTLE DROPS was located.The driver  was a new guy and it long time for us to find the address.
         We followed the address which i got it from the internet.After reaching there we found a small school named LITTLE ANGELS.
          For  a while i thought "omg did i get the wrong address from the internet?We travelled for two hours and finally got into a wrong place?"
          Then i saw an old man walking towards us.Then he asked me "son,what ru looking for"?I said "LITTLE DROPS".Then the old man said "go ahead a few blocks and turn  left".Finally i saw what i needed to see." LITTLE DROPS."
        We were supposed to meet Paul sir,the owner of LITTLE DROPS foundation.But we heard that he had gone to do prayer as it  was sunday.Still we had decided to donate the clothes.There was a lady named Mary who took care of the clothes which we donated.Then came and old man named Max whom he was talking to me all the time while i was counting the clothes.I asked him for an apology and told him that i would talk to him once i finished counting.Later they asked for a visit to all the wards.We visited a ward where old people were lying on their beds.They were in a situation that they can hardly move from their beds.Also they had to do all their toiletry works on their bed.It was really hard for me to watch them in that situation.
            I started listening to the prayers in the speakers that were set in the ward.They had a prayer hall where the prayers would be audible to everyone in the orphanage.For the first time as a hindu i felt that "what is happening to the money that we are putting in temples?I can hardly hear the money being used for the poor".Also had you even seen a brahmin priest touching the poor,diseased or road side beggar's and serving them? cant.Because still untouchability is still in their minds where it is stopping their kind heart to help the needy.
         Then we walked in to a ward where there were women who had been abandoned by their families.They were all in a miserable condition.All i could do was joining my hands and bowing for them.I couldn't even take their photographs because they wore clothes that were all torn and improper.
              The man who was heading us to the other ward showed us a photo of LITTLE DROPS opening ceremony where it has MOTHER TERESSA in it with Paul sir.It was MOTHER TERESSA who opened the home and named it little drops.She named it liitle drops because the foundation might be a little drop in this world of ocean.But the ocean couldn't be complete with that drop missing.
            When we came out of the ward a local police woman bought an old lady.The police woman told us that she found her roaming on the streets.The old woman's eyes were flooding with tears.May be she might be crying for her children abandoning her... or may be they might be the tears of joy to know that there was someone to look after.
         Later we were taken to a ward where mentally challenged women were there.They all were in joy by watching me.They pleaded me to visit them when ever possible.One woman gave me her hand.I held it and said that i would visit again.I wondered how the staff were able to maintain all the toilets,taking care of their bath and food.Its really difficult to take care of them.All you can do is love them.They had the hearts of children.The more you love them the more they love you and listen to you.
Then we moved to a ward where old women were there.Most of them were diseased and could hardly move.There was one women who sat at the entrance of the ward in a wheel chair.She was the only who could talk there among the women.She shared her story and asked about us.She told us that she was unable to bear the pain caused by her disease.She asked us to serve to the needy and  thanked for visiting them.We left her taking blessings from her.
All i felt was "Money cant bring everything.Even if we had enough amount of money it takes a very kind and serving heart to treat these people."
Ganesh who was the temporary head thanked us for donating clothes.He asked us to spread the word of the service they were doing and to tell our friends to visit them whenever possible.
 We got back into the van after saying good bye to our friends with "joy of tears" hoping that we did something useful in our life.


  1. Good job Mr.Harsha.. I too wish to go to the LITTLE DROP whenever i get time..Thnx for showin us a place where we can see the God but not just the statue..

  2. gud job man... may god bless u ...
