Friday, March 29, 2013 first sail

It was 10a.m then.Very few guys remained in hostel because as it was a 3 days holiday everyone went home.Thilak walked into my room
THILAK: Dude ru free for this afternoon?
ME: Dude im free for the whole day,anyways when  did we hav work to be busy??!!
THILAK: kk..jagan needs 10 guys for the evening.
ME: we got some work to do?
THILAK:Noo..jagan knows someone who might take us for a boat ride.Also we are going to swim in the sea.
ME:Damn i dont want to die so soon..i havnt done anything still vi...
THILAK:Cool dude..even i dont know how to swim.We are getting into the sea only with life jackets.
ME:So do we hav ten guys?
THILAK:Yup..pack up ur gear.All set for an adventure.

      It was ten of us.We started from college to the beach.Its 2:30 afternoon.We got a call from the fisherman that he will be leaving soon.So we grabbed our feet in order to reach the beach as soon as possible.The suns heat is dehydrating us.Finally after a long walk we reached the boat.We pushed the boat from the shore into the sea,fixed the propeller and everyone got into it.The fisherman asked us to keep all our valuables and phones in a case that was there in the boat.The boats speed raised.I have been in launch boat many times.But only on a river not in a sea.The waves are ferociously trying to make their way towards the shore where we are going against them.The rolling and pitching of the boat made our sail more adventurous. The boat literally flies to a certain height and falls down.Water splashed into the boat.The water was so salty that you can hardly bear it.For a while i was unable to open my eyes as the water was constantly splashing into my eyes.After sailing to a distance little far from the shore the waves  calmed down.We decided to jump from the boat for a swim.
        As everyone stood at a time to jump the boat lost its stability and it rolled to one side.Suddenly some of us moved to the other side and the boat gained back its stability.The fisherman asked us to jump only with a rope tide to his body and the boat.However good swimmer he is one should carry safety because it is sea and no one knows how its gonna be.Initially two of our guys jumped. Inspite of being good swimmers they were unable to tackle the wave energy.After a while they got into the boat.Again getting into the boat is one herculian task for new fellows.Either you should have enormous strength to pull yourself up into the boat or you should know how to use the buoyancy to get inside.
         Siva jumped into the water with a life jacket. Inspite of it he was tied with a rope so that any wave shouldnt pull him away from us.After Siva it was my turn to jump.I jumped into the sea with life jacket and rope tied to the boat.I felt the saltiness of the sea.How many times i spat i was unable to clear my tongue from that saltiness.After a while I got into the boat with all my strength.I didnt realise that I was bleeding until someone noticed it.But it was not a big one.Siva asked me to take some pics in phone.But neither of us were in a mood to grab some pics nor anyone ready for a pose so that we can upload in fb. Some of us felt dizzy and had vomiting sensation.Even i had vomiting sensation.But i calmed myself and after a while i was ok. We started sailing back and reached shore.Then we got down and pushed the boat into the shore.We made it safe to the shore.
         Everyone fell on the beach and relaxed ourselves.Then again after gaining some strength we bathed and played.That was one hell of a good evening.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Very few have guts to do experiments in "INDIAN FILM INDUSTRY".But there is a man who is born to do experiments..yaar endru terigiradhaa...yes hez kamal haasan. VISWAROOPAM is one of his stupendous attempts in his career.The movie is based on terrorism...First fight which reveals kamals roopam steals the show...the scenes shot in afghanistan were superb..but still the graphics for choppers could have been better.second half of the movie is of slow pace..which makes you little boring.but overall it is a movie that should be watched in theatre for its sound effects and  high standards(felt like a hollywood flick).after watching this movie it made me to feel "Is there a life in afghanistan..?do u call it life..therez no freedom...therez only "freedamn" bullets..its better to be an aethist than to believe in some god and fight for him.when people forget the essence of religion and behave like demons..therez no meaning in follow it..all we need is peace.."strive for it...strive towards a better world.

friends for ever..."HOPE" so

......Till then I never knew how a town would be...I was seven then.Its a new place...I need to get new friends.Eventually my dad searched a house that would be suitable for me and my bro to go to school easily.He made it so easy such that one jump from a wall will make us to enter the school.Well we never did that...:-P.Few days after my joining in school my brother was doing situation was horrible.Its time for first unit test..I hardly new any alphabets..cmon its not English..its Telugu.I took a bit to the exam which was written by my dad.Very glad to have such such a friendly and helping dad.But as it was my first time,I got caught.Well I dont remember any severe actions were taken on me.
  Days were passing..I didnt make any new friends till then.How ever bad im  I studies, I always use to sit in first two rows.That day mam started shouting at two guys sitting in the last row who were disturbing the class.She asked them to come front and made them to sit next to me.They were Jaideep and Ajay.They were the only friends I made.Adding to that their houses were also too near by, where I could reach them with in minutes.When ever I go to Jaideep's house..I can see his mom chasing him to rip him off for his mischieves.But he never cared or rather scared for the beatings.On the other way Ajay's mom never use to beat him.He was the most pampered kid in his family.Calenders iz well..but then my parents decided to shift to a new house.It was too far from my old house so that I can hardly visit my amigos and play with them.But still we were in the same school.Anyways playing at home is different from playing in school...well we even dont have a special period for games in school.Also discussions were going on in my home to change me and my bro into another school.My hopes on my friendship were slowly vanishing..where then Jaideep said that they had shifted into a new house.When I asked the address,I came to know that they shifted to a lane just back to my house.Then a "hope" raised in my heart that god still wanted my friendship to be continued.Jaideep and I became very best  friends..where Ajay was just a good friend.Later Ajay's dad got transfered  to Hyderabad.So he had to leave us.After one year..even my dad got transferred to a village..and at the same time Jaideep's dad even got tranferred at the same time..with just a few weeks delay.The sarcasm is everyone's dad is a bank employee and transfers happen all the time for them.
 I  always "hoped" for a miracle to happen so that Jaideep and I could become friends again.
After 6 years....
On a fine day I joined Sri Chaitanya junior college in Vijayawada.Its the second day of the college,im having my dinner.Few guys were sitting infront of me and having their meal.I saw a guy whom I felt very familiar.I Asked him.."ru jaideep"?and he said "yes"...the rest...our friendship is bakk...

caste blast

 India had undergone many reforms socially during the past few decades.But there is one thing that we couldnt eradicate.Its the caste system.Its not astonishing to hear that even today untouchability  is followed in some parts of our country.This casteism had been rooted deep down into Indian minds especially in villages. I have been watching this casteism since my childhood.People elect their leaders on caste basis.People live together in communities on caste basis.The worst thing is they even select their favourite hero on caste basis.(no wonder it happens in Andhra)
   The casteist's behaviour of people made me vexed upon caste system.I get irritated when someone says that he belongs to higher caste and he is higher than the others.I feel like asking him "dont giv me bullshit,wat the f hav u achieved in ur life to say that ur higher than anyone?"
Also if someone says that he is lower than the others because he belongs to lower caste..i feel like saying"dude if u degrade urself comparing with someone,then that someone might degrade you more than you degrade yourself".This is actually the truth.Many people who belong to lower castes degrade themselves.They fear to socialise with the higher caste people.This is still happening in villages.
    People should realise that we shouldnot respect a person by his caste.We should respect him by his qualities.In cities the scenario is varying.For a couple to marry if any of the couple side is rich and holds good status,there is no place for caste.But this is not the case in villages,they still dwell upon the caste.
     According to me none of us or(90% of us donot have the right to say that we belong to a particular caste).If we stick to the basics caste system formed based on the occupation we do.Many of us dont continue our occupations.ex: i can say im a kshatriya only if im a warrior or soldier.If i work for law firm then how can i say im a warrior?So to be frank we killed the caste system actually.But we are growing it in our minds.Wake up my dear Indians  "We no longer belong to any caste".