Thursday, September 24, 2015

Love's complicated

       Love..the word  sounds feels more sweeter when you experience it.But when you want that love to lead to marriage you have to face some bitterness too.We watch romantic movies,read romantic novels .But when it comes to real life love is still a taboo in India.If a person loves someone it's still considered a mistake.Well when it comes to a girl people even judge her character that she has a boyfriend.Why are love marriages so complicated in India?To marry the person we love,we have to face hell lot problems.Many couples are breaking up just because they couldn't take those troubles anymore or they lack the courage even to discuss about their love with their parents.
        In our country marriages have always been business deals rather than a choice of two people.Well I am talking about the arranged marriages.Sorry some may not agree..but this is what made me to say this.We still have dowry culture.So if the boy is earning high salary he expects more dowry.If the girl is not beautiful then she has to gives more dowry to compensate.Even if there is no dowry involved in marriage things like financial backgrounds their status in society are considered.Marriages use to happen just to keep up the status between families and castes.Many kings use to get their daughters married to their enemies to protect their kingdoms.Well this might bring peace.But what about his daughter.Is she not considered a human..she was just treated as an object of exchange for a deal.This case involves the man who marries the woman too.But if he doesn't like this woman he could marry an other woman.Where as in the case of that woman she can't.
        There are many cases where honor killings are done by parents just to keep up their pride.Its shameful to have such people in society.Emotional blackmails by parents even happen Amd some times they commit suicides.All they need to remember is this society may talk about it for few weeks or may be few months.Later it gets a new topic.So it is us who has to loose something if we take a wrong decision.Marriage is all about two persons living together happily.So it's something related to two hearts mingling.Except for those hearts our Indian marriages deals with the how much gold do we get,the dowry,status in society,how fair and handsome the kids may look.In India marriage is not about two persons,it's about two families living happily.When more persons involve usually things gets complicated.
      Love marriages are complicated in India because we have a caste system.So intercaste marriages are a big deal.Well many people don't know how castes formed.All they know is just by getting their children married in same caste makes them to continue to belong to same caste.Few people are atleast agreeing for intercaste marriages.But the higher caste people always have issues to get their  children married  to lowercastes.If parents doesn't like your love they have hundreds of reasons to disagree,like the guy is financially not settled,family background is not good,the guy is younger than the girl.Getting an intercaste marriage itself is a big deal and if it's an inter religious marriage you are in deep shit.But one thing as I said marriage is a business deal for us.All these castes religions everything comes only for poor and middle class people. When money comes in  the middle people they  forget all these things.If you are damn rich then your caste doesn't matter for parents..your religion even doesn't matters.If you don't agree well lemme ask you a question.If Ambani comes and asks you parents to marry his son or daughter to you,does your parents disagree?Well if the they disagree..then forget about your love with anyone in this world ..because they are not going to agree to anyone.
     What ever the situation is no one can stop people from loving.But whose side should we take.What if we have choice only to choose one side.Be it the parents side or the lovers side.Well we should respect our parents for all the love that they has shown for us.But the problem is in this case their love towards us is a love towards an object..consider a robot.Because only robots are expected to do as we command.It doesn't has a heart so therefore no problem.But we are humans.How can we live with someone whom we don't love.Also parents may live for few years.But where as the person we marry will be with us for the rest of life.Ultimately it's a choice to breakup or tie up.