Friday, August 7, 2015

Imagine a world without religion

    Religion is something which man has created to keep a sanctity in human life.But over years religion has become the main reason for many human destructions.It created differences between people.It created an inequal place for women in the society.
     What do you think if an aethist world exists.What if there is no religion and no castes.How peaceful our society remains then.I know most of you may say that if there is no religion people may do more sins.Their will be no ethics remained in the society.But when the main idea of sanctity of religion is lost what is the use of it.A man does uncountable number of mistakes and goes to God,offer him money to pardon his crimes.A man does mistakes takes a holy Dip and again continues to do the same.
     Do we really need a God to fear for inorder to avoid mistakes.Man doesn't fear for a hell after death which he has never seen.But he would fear for a hell that exists on Earth the prison and its punishments.So only strong laws and a society of justice are enough  to create fear inorder to avoid mistakes.The most fearful act of present days terrorism could be avoided if people are aethists.All the robberies and cheatings that are being done in the name of religion could be avoided.The local fights due to caste differences could be avoided.People can be free to choose their loved ones rather than marrying some unknown person blindly.There are many number of bad things that may not exist if people become aethists.  
     I don't say that there is no God at all...there is God and you may name him as you like give a shape as you wish.Just respect him for his creation.All you need is to be a good person in heart and lead a life with humanity.I don't think a religion is needed to create such person.All you need is common sense to analyse what is good and what is bad.After all these religions has taken away that common sense from us.