Saturday, May 9, 2015

Prematho...Amma ki..(To mom..with love)

Amma..its the most sweetest and pleasant word a man can spell and hear.The sound may vary from language to language but the sweetness and pleasantness doesn't vary.A child can always sense his mother's touch..its the most soothing touch a human can feel.
# loving,caring,protecting..(Amma telugu)
    To me my mother is the most beautiful woman in this world.How ever old she gets she is the most beautiful woman to me.It is because I see the internal beauty in her..the heart..which doesn't fade away with age.She is the most caring and loving person.When I am crawling she taught me how to walk.She sang me lullaby when I am sleeping.When I am trying to express myself she taught me how to speak.When I am hungry she fed me with her hands.(goru muddalu we call it in telugu).She taught me to read and write.She is no different than any other mother.But she is always special to me because she is my mother.
     I admire her for being a mother.I admire her for making me a good human.I love you Amma.