Thursday, July 17, 2014

Beauty of bright silence

    We were living in an era where we were surrounded by lights all the time.Times had changed in such a way that artificiality makes us forget completely about what is natural.Some how I can say I was blessed to be on ship.
     That day I was tired after my work and wanted to relax.I walked out to the deck to get some fresh air.It was very calm outside.I could hear only the sound of the waves of the ocean that too which were caused by my ship.When I gazed into the sky for a while I was stunned by the beauty of the sky.My whole life I might had gazed into the sky many times.But the artificial light of our cities makes the most beautiful sky almost invisible.I had never seen such a bright sky in my life with plenty of stars and planets.Adding to the beauty my friend bought his tablet where there was an application to find out what star or planet or constellation your looking at.
For a while by seeing that blue sky filled with shining stars and planets in that twilight it made me felt like that was life.It made me remained of my childhood where in my village when there was a powercut at night I use to come out and gaze into the bright sky breathing fresh air listening to some melodious songs in my walkman and my mom feeding food to me and my brother.
      It might be difficult for us to leave the artificial life.But we should not forget whats natural out their waiting for us and man cannot create a beauty more than that.
      (The application that was used in the blog is starwalk)